Sunday, 12 November 2017

Cara meningkatkan level kebugaran dan kekuatan fisik

Berikut ini adalah cara agar fisik atau kemampuan olahraga  menjadi kuat sekaligus POWER FULL.

1. Biasakan tidur sebelum jam 21.00 WIB bangun pukul 05.00 WIB (bagi yang muslim jangan lupa sholat subuh),  hormon pada tubuh akan diurai secara normal kalau istirahat tercukupi.
2. Jangan makan junk food (C*ca C*li, Pi*za Hu*, Soft drink, Burger dan jajanan lainnya yang kebersihan makanan kurang diperhatikan.
3. Jaga pola makan, membiasakan diri untuk makan sayuran secara mentah (tomat dan wortel) karena sayuran kalau direbus maka vitamin B dapat rusak, Vitamin B berguna untk memelihara jaringan saraf (alat gerak). Makananlah empat sehat lima sempurna
4. Harus semangat saat latihan dan memiliki target yang jelas agar mengalami peningkatan level kebugaran.
5. Selalu membiasakan diri untuk melakukan pemanasan (warming up) sebelum olahraga dan melakukan pendinginan (cooling down) setelah olahraga. Ini berguna untuk menjaga kekuatan, kelenturan dan recovery otot.
6. Jangan sungkan untuk berguru kepada senior, atlet berpengalaman atau instruktur.

Tunggu trik memiliki level kebugaran seperti Cristiano Ronaldo di post berikutnya, terus ikuti perkembangan blog ini. Thenkyu

Monday, 3 April 2017

Email Marketing Lists-Buying A List Is Always The Best Approach

Email marketing lists are a great way to promote your business and product and drive traffic to your website. In fact this is one of the main ways for getting your online business up and running. But the question is, how do you get a list of email addresses to send emails to? We like to do things as easily and as quickly as possible, which is why buying these sort of lists seems like the best approach, but is it really?

When you buy a list, you have no control over it. Many of the email addresses on these lists are just out right fake, or have not given permission to be sent emails, or may simply have no interest in your product. So even if you buy a list of email addresses, you could consider yourself lucky if you got even a single email for someone who actually cared about your product.

So instead of wasting your time and money buying these lists of emails, you should instead look into gathering them up yourself. If you are in charge of putting together email marketing lists for yourself, you will know that every email is authentic and belongs to someone who is interested in your product, increasing the odds of you making a sale.

There are a lot of ways you can put together lists such as these. One of the most obvious methods is to simply use your own website. On your webpage put an area where they can opt into your email list to get updates and other cool information. Entice them by giving them a free offer, a sample if you will, of what you have to offer so they know you know what you are doing.

This is the single best method you can use because it guarantees anyone signing up for your email list will have chosen to do so willingly and will have a vested interest in your product. Make sure you put these sign up buttons all throughout your website, but do not make them intrusive. There is a fine line between having good exposure and just being obnoxious.

Also remember not to fall prey to a common mistake a lot of people do when trying to build their email marketing lists. You might be tempted to try and get as many emails as possible, and while this is not strictly a bad thing, it can hamper your efforts.

While having a lot of emails is good, you also want to make sure each of those emails belongs to someone who cares about your product. If you make your offer vague enough, you will entice people who really have no interest in purchasing your product, thus wasting your time and theirs.

So instead of doing that, make sure your offer is targeting directly at those who would buy your product. Yeah you might be turning some people away, but if they were not going to buy your product anyways, it is not really a loss. Focus on those who will actually buy your product.

Email Marketing Campaigns-Dont Spam Your New Customers

Utilizing email marketing campaigns can be a great method for building a rapport with your potential customers and showing them the benefits of buying your product. When you set up your website you should have an entire page dedicated to enticing people to opt into your email list. Show them the benefits and even give them a free offer.

Once you have them as members of your list, you need to know what exactly to do with them. Email marketing is not about spamming them with as many emails as possible. There is actually a process to it, so to help you get the most out of you emails here are some tips you can follow.

1. The point of your email. As I said above, email marketing is not about just spamming your potential customers with emails. You need a reason for emailing them. If you do not have a reason, why are you doing it? The reason can vary but mostly it should be about giving them little tidbits of information and links to things they might be interested in. You should always be trying to win them over so they buy your product.

2. Subject line. This is, probably, the most important part of your email. What you put here can determine whether or not the person even opens your email. If they are not even opening the email, then your email marketing campaigns a bust. So try to put enticing lines that make them want to read on further. Trail off to make it seem like there is more inside (because there is), or leave it as a question they might want to find the answer to.

3. Put importation information near the top. When it comes to emails, most people are actually fairly lazy. If they see a giant block of text they might ignore it outright, or only read the top. This is why you want to put all the real important stuff at the top of your email. This way, you increase the chances of them reading it and getting intrigued, wanting to read even more.

4. No images or excess HTML. You might feel like sprucing up your emails, especially with HTML. But you have to remember that a lot of people read their emails on their mobile devices. So the excess strain can make opening the emails take longer and they will not bother. Keep your emails clean and to the point, only include a link at the bottom in case they want to learn more.

5. Keep it short. As I have mentioned above, people do not like reading giant walls of text. So keep your emails short, giving only the facts. Bullet points are great for this. While long emails may be informative, if they do not help your email marketing campaigns success, then what is the point? If you keep the emails short you can use them as a hook, get them interested and willing to read more. But if you make them too long, your customers might not even bother.

Email Marketing-Tips To Help Establish Your Business

Email marketing is where you get a list of email addresses and send emails to them, promoting your website and the product you are trying to sell. While this method does not get as much exposure, that is not it's purpose. The purpose of using this type of marketing is to build a relationship of trust with your potential customers.

It is an established fact of commerce that people are more likely to buy from someone they deem trustworthy than someone that seems shady. It is all preventative so they do not get ripped off. So by building up a relationship with your customers, they are more willing to part with their money because they trust you and the product you promtoe.

One of the most beneficial parts of using emails to help market your business is the cost aspect. If done properly, this type of marketing is actually free. You can buy lists of email addresses from special services (although I would not recommend this), but more importantly you can get people to opt into a list you make using your website.

Once people opt in you can send them emails, which as you know, does not cost you anything. So really it is free advertising, the only thing it costs is time.

Now, there are things you can purchase to help your email marketing go smoother, such as automated software. And while I highly recommend doing this, it is entirely optional. So if you are on a tight budget, you can still do this all yourself. It will be time consuming and tedious, but you can still do it. But again, I strongly recommend getting some kind of software to help automate the process, it makes a world of difference.

When dealing with this method of marketing, there are several different approaches you can use. Promotional emails are probably going to be the one you use most. These are just short emails to help promote your website and product and get people interested. But these are not the only types of emails you can use.

Newsletters as well can be used to great effect. You can give those on your email list a chance to sign up for a newsletter, this way only those who are interested will get it. A newsletter can provide a much more in depth look to the product you are trying to sell and give a lot more information. So for those seriously contemplating purchasing from you, this can be the one that pushes them over the edge.

Email marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing, and pretty much everyone uses it. From the one-man online businesses to the multi-national corporations. If you go to a big name companies website, odds are you will see something related to getting newsletters in your email and the like. 

There is a huge potential in this form of marketing if you are willing to take the time to make the emails and fill them with quality content. If you are willing to do this, then be prepared to see a stark increase in your sales eventually.

Email Advertising Marketing-Tips For Best Product

You know, even though it is unwise to buy into all the "push button" software hype online, that is not to say that there aren't some real push button software products that can help make your life easier by automating some aspects of your online business. One of the best of these software products is an auto responder. Getting an auto responder is one of the cheapest and simplest ways to start email advertising marketing to grow your business. 

The concept is very simple: you want to be able to build a relationship and have more than one contact with the people who come to your site. In most cases, people will only come to your site once and then they will never come back again. When you consider the amount of time and / or money you invested to get them to your site in the first place, that is quite a waste. 

Wouldn't it be great if you could keep them around longer? Well, the way to do that is to add an optin form to your website so you can gather their email addresses and names. Once you have that you can contact them over and over again and build a relationship based on trust. 

They will grow to like you, trust you and count on you to help answer some of the questions they may have about one or more areas in your niche. You will be setting yourself up as an expert in your field. 

Sounds great, doesn't it? Of course, if  you don't do it the right way the only thing you will build is resentment and anger. To avoid becoming public enemy number 1 follow these tips:

1. Don't expect to "get" until you give. You must be willing to give of yourself your time and your knowledge before you expect the people on your list to buy from you. Just help them. Share your experiences or knowledge. The best way to do that is to write it down in an email. How about explaining to them how to do something? Tell them about some neat little trick that you learned along the way. Point out potential pitfalls they should avoid. 

2. Even though you have to be willing to give before you get, there will come a time when it's appropriate to ask for the sale. Sending an email every now and then where you recommend a certain product or service is ok. Make sure that what you recommend will actually benefit them and is related to your niche, though. 

3. Keep your emails, and subject lines, interesting so they will be open and read. After a while the people on your list will start to look forward to reading your emails, if you've done it right. 

Take full advantage of all that technology offers you, especially when you are building your business. One of the best things you can use is an auto responder service so you can start an email advertising marketing campaign.

Dont Wait Profit With Social Network Websites

The first step to getting the most out of social network websites is to understand what they are and what they can do for you. Social network websites are designed to facilitate communities between like minded people. Some of the more popular social networking websites are Facebook and MySpace. 

These social networking websites are general networking websites that are designed to facilitate the communication between people all over the world through chat mediums, messaging mediums, communities and networking, commenting, photo sharing and more. This is not where the social network website concept ends, however, as there are social network websites for every niche and interest under the sun, including social network websites for dating, business networking, investing, sharing media and news, niche interests, music, art, students and so much more.

Everyone can benefit from community social websites if they enjoy communicating with other people. Businesses can benefit from social networking by reaching out to their customers through their profiles. Individuals can benefit from social networking by meeting new people, making new friends, and developing new interests and activities by gaining exposure to a completely new world. 

MySpace, Facebook and other general social networks offer exposure to videos, photos, music, blogging, commenting, groups and networks and other forms of media sharing and communication. Niche websites like Ravelry, which is a community site for knitters or Deviant Art, which is an art based social website are designed to gather people with similar interests, aspirations or goals so that they can share their creations, ideas and other communication with one another.

Social network websites are opening up new opportunities for meeting and communicating with people all over the world. Most social network websites are worldwide sites, meaning that users can join from all over the world to communicate with people that have similar interests. These community sites also provide an excellent avenue for people to reconnect with individuals from their past, such as by searching for the names of old classmates or friends from extra curricular activities and viewing their profiles in order to re establish contact.

Social network websites are exactly what the name would have you assume: They are websites that encourage networking on a social basis, though business networking is also popular through websites like these. There are hundreds of social networking websites online, including social network websites that cater to specific niches and interests, specific age groups, regions, languages, religion and many other characteristics. 

It seems as if everyday new community networking sites are springing up all over the internet for a multitude of different purposes. There are social network websites for book lovers, artists, scientists, doctors, gossip hounds, people that are interested in sharing news and media, people that are interested in sharing videos, people who live in a specific country, students attending a specific school, and so many more. While some social network websites like MySpace, Facebook, Flickr and LiveJournal are more well known than others, the possibility when it comes to social networking is virtually limitless.

Bulk Email Marketing-Not A Conventional Business

Like conventional businesses, internet business require a lot of marketing to be successful. However unlike conventional businesses, online ones require a different method of marketing, several in fact. While there are a lot of ways to market your website, the one this article will be talking about is bulk email marketing.

Email marketing is, as it sounds, you send emails to people to build up a relationship with them so they are more inclined to buy from your website. There are a lot of ways you can go about doing this but to help guide you along are some very helpful tips.

1. Figure out how to get a list together. The list of emails for which you will contact is the single most important part. So how you get those emails really does matter. A lot of people will buy lists of emails in bulk from various services, but I have found these to have mixed results. The emails provided can be good, but, it is pretty iffy for something you are spending money on.

Personally, I prefer to keep it simple and try to get them through my website. If you put areas on your site where they can sign up, maybe offer them a free sample, then you will know all the emails are for people who actually care about your product.

2. Be persistent. One of the key strategies to employ is bulk email marketing. However I will say it right away, do not spam. If you spam it not only turns them away, but could have bad consequences for you. Going in bulk is not the same as spamming. Send them emails consistently but if they tell you to stop, then stop. Be considerate of your customers, but also be firm in your approach.

3. Devise a schedule. When you send out your emails also plays a big part. Or more specifically, how often. A good rule of thumb is to start sending them an email every day, make sure each day it is unique and offers some new tidbit of information that could entice them. After about a week, drop that down to a few emails a week and then finally one email a week. This will show them that you care and are eager, but also do not want to spam them.

4. Use good subject lines. Most people do not even open emails, they look at the subject and if it does not interest them, they delete it. So when using bulk email marketing you need to ensure your subject titles catch their interest so they actually read it.

Some good ideas are to use capital letters as they can grab attention. Also .... can play a part, if you trail off at the end it can leave them expecting more and might pique their curiosity. Also try to throw in some personalization. Do not just make one email and send it to everyone, tweak them a little to be more in touch with the person themselves. A lot of software can help you do this.

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Adi Diary: Rumah Bentang adat suku Dayak

Adi Diary: Rumah Bentang adat suku Dayak: Rumah bentang merupakan rumah khas suku dayak di Kalimantan Barat.Rumah tersebut berbentuk persegi panjang dengan satu lantai yang tersusun...

Rumah Bentang adat suku Dayak

Rumah bentang merupakan rumah khas suku dayak di Kalimantan Barat.Rumah tersebut berbentuk persegi panjang dengan satu lantai yang tersusun panggung. Susunan panggung pada bangunan yang disertai tiang penopang dimaksudkan untuk menghindari dari serangan binatang liar karena wilayah pulau Kalimantan masih terdapat banyak hutan. Rumah Bentang pada zaman dahulu digunakan untuk tempat tinggal dan terdapat 2-4 kamar untuk rumah yang dihuni lebih dari satu kepala keluarga. Pada zaman modern ini rumah bentang beralih fungsi menjadi tempat untuk mengadakan pesta atau pertemuah bagi suku dayak.

Suku dayak Kalimantan Barat memiliki warna khas dominan merah dan kuning dengan simbol burung Enggang/Rangkok badak maka dari itu rumah bentang ini juga berwarna dominan merah dan kuning. Wonderful Indonesia.

Friday, 27 January 2017

Hut RI ke-70 bersama suku dayak sungkung Kalimantan Barat

            Selama menjalani KKN mahasiswa diharuskan membuat progam kerja yang keberlangsungan kegiatannya melibatkan masyarakat di lokasi tersebut. Salah satu progam yang kami lakukan adalah mengajak seluruh lapisan masyarakat baik anak-anak, remaja maupun orang tua untuk berpartisipasi dalam merayakan HUT kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia ke-70, kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menumbuhkan dan meningkatkan rasa nasionalisme terhadap negeri tercinta ini. Menurut pak Budi kepala dusun Serangkang sekaligus tokoh masyarakat, acara perayaan HUT kemerdekaan RI di dusun tersebut sebelumnya pernah dilakukan oleh mahasiswa KKN UPN Veteran Yogyakarta dan ini adalah yang kedua kalinya oleh mahasiswa KKN-PPM UGM KTB04.
       Perayaan HUT RI ke-70 diawali dengan upacara bendera untuk memperingati HUT Kemerdekaan RI ke-70 yang diikuti oleh murid dan guru SD N 09 Serangkang, murid dan guru SMP Negeri Satu Atap Entikong, Satgas Pamtas RI-MLY dan warga, alhamdulillah kepala desa Entikong pak Raden Nurdin beserta jajarannya dapat hadir dan menjadi pembina upacara, sedangkan yang menjadi komandan upacara adalah prajurit TNI-AD dari Satgas Pamtas Darat RI-MLY Kalbar. Kegiatan lainnya adalah lomba karaoke, lomba memasak untuk ibu-ibu, lomba fashion show untuk anak-anak perempuan, lomba bola voli antar RT, lomba sepakbola antar dusun, lomba memasukkan paku ke dalam botol, lomba gigit koin, lomba panjat pinang dll. Kegiatan yang berlangsung selama dua hari ini disambut dengan antusias oleh warga. Diucapkan terimakasih banyak atas bantuan dan partisipasinya kepada seluruh instansi Desa Entikong, Satgas Pamtas Batas RI-MLY, SMP Negeri Satu Atap Entikong, SD N 09 Serangkang dan Warga.
Lomba bola voli berlangsung

Ketua Sub unit KKN bersama Satgas pamtas batas RI-MLY 

Menyisik batang pinang

Upacara berlangsung

Lomba ambil koin

Proses menaikkan batang pinang

Mahasiswa KKN bersama warga

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Potensi Peternakan yang Unggul

Kita flashback di tahun 2010, pada tahun tersebut Kementrian Pertanian melalui Dirjen Peternakan dan Kesehatan Hewan mencoba mencanangkan Progam Pencapaian Swasembada Daging Sapi (PSDS) 2014, yang merupakan tindak lanjut atas progam yang sama di tahun 1995, 2005 dan 2010. Ini berarti sudah 4 kali pemerintah gagal dalam melaksanakan progam tersebut. Pokok permasalahannya adalah stok daging sapi yang dihasilkan tidak dapat mencukupi kebutuhan dalam negeri karena jumlah sapi hidup masih jauh dari harapan, bagaimana mau ekspor kalau kebutuhan dalam negeri saja tidak tercukupi ?.
Begini bentuk babi hutan kalo sedang makan

Sungai Sekayam dengan babi hutannya

Penulis sebagai akademisi sekaligus peternak ingin menyampaikan sebuah gagasan tentang potensi pulau Kalimantan sebagai sentra industri peternakan. Sebagai hewan ternak sapi, kambing, domba, kerbau, kuda tentunya membutuhkan hijauan sebagai makanan pokok dan lahan penggembalaan yang luas agar pemeliharaan ternak dapat maksimal. Keberadaan penulis di Kalimantan selama dua bulan ini tidak hanya melaksanakan KKN semata, akan tetapi dalam hati kecilnya penulis peduli terhadap perkembangan dan situasi peternakan di Indonesia dimana selama ini pemerintah hanya cenderung berpusat di pulau Jawa. Suatu hal yang wajar bagi penulis mengingat kebutuhan pulau Jawa akan ternak sangat tinggi. Selama di Borneo saya selalu mengamati setiap tempat yang saya lewati, kebun kelapa sawit, luasnya lahan kosong, hijauan melimpah dan semua yang ada rasanya sayang tanpa dimanfaatkan secara maksimal. Mungkin semua potensi tersebut dapat maksimal apabila dilaksanakan progam pemeliharaan ternak sistem integrated farming. Saat ini pemilik kebun kelapa sawit menganggap rumput yang tumbuh dibawah pohon kelapa sawit menjadi hama dan harus di cegah pertumbuhannya dengan cara menyemprot cairan desinfektan. Padahal rumput tersebut memiliki nilai gizi yang tinggi serta bermanfaat bagi ternak, selain itu lahan yang luas bagus untuk exercise sehingga menambah kualitas karkas dan daya tahan tubuh, sedangkan hasil dari ekskresi dapat bermanfaat sebagai pupuk organik bagi tanaman sawit. Dengan melepas ternak disela pohon kelapa sawit akan menjadi salah satu model peternakan modern yang hemat dan efisien.

Tingginya tingkat kepadatan penduduk serta pembangunan infrasrtukur di pulau Jawa yang pesat membuat keberadaan lahan kosong kian menyempit dan tentunya hijauan untuk ternak juga semakin langka. Inilah yang mendorong tingginya biaya produksi serta meningkatnya harga ternak hidup maupun karkas, serta merupakan penyebab masyarakat enggan memelihara ternak dalam jumlah yang banyak. Pemanfaatan luasnya lahan di pulau Kalimantan dan pulau lainnya mungkin bisa menjadi salah satu solusi untuk menekan tingginya biaya produksi yang selama ini menjadi masalah bagi peternak, sehingga kepadatan ternak di Indonesia dapat lebih merata dan progam swasembada daging sapi yang selama ini dicanangkan dapat terwujud.

Kelapa sawit dan lada hitam di Perbatasan RI-Malaysia

Kehidupan modernisasi warga di perbatasan tidak lepas dari adanya perusahaan kelapa sawit yang terdapat di wilayah tersebut. Selain itu terdapat juga tanaman Sahang yang merupakan sebutan bagi lada hitam untuk masyarakat perbatasan di Kalbar. Perusahaan kelapa sawit milik negara tersebut masuk ke wilayah kalimantan barat pada sekitar tahun 2010, perusahaan lantas memperkerjakan warga pribumi sebagai buruh lepas yang diberi upah tidak sebanding dengan keuntungan yang mereka dapatkan. Selain itu perusahaan tersebut juga menawarkan oper kontrak lahan bagi warga pribumi dengan rincian warga memberikan ladang yang mereka miliki untuk ditanami kelapa sawit dan lagi-lagi pembagian keuntungan tidak fair, perusahaan menawarkan bagi hasil 60 berbanding 30 persen yang dibayar setiap lima tahun sekali. Menurut pengakuan salah satu warga tidak semuanya mendapatkan uang yang sesuai dengan yang ditawarkan tersebut, hal ini memunculkan kekhawatiran mengingat akan muncul istilah “menjadi budak di negeri sendiri”. Sebelum tahun 2010 hampir seluruh masyarakat Indonesia di perbatasan Kalbar menggantungkan hidupnya dengan bertani, hasil terbesar ialah lada hitam dan seluruh ladang yang mereka miliki dipenuhi tanaman lada hitam, dimana rasio benefit-cost antara bertani lada hitam jauh lebih besar dibandingkan bekerja sebagai buruh lepas di perusahaan kelapa sawit.

Model perawatan tanaman kelapa sawit di Kalbar

Model penanaman Lada hitam di Kalbar
        Penggunaan minyak sayur sebagai kebutuhan pokok masyarakat Indonesia tentunya tidak lepas dari kelapa sawit. Akan tetapi terdapat berbagai hal yang harus dipertimbangkan pada tanaman tersebut terlebih untuk kepentingan komersial yang membutuhkan tanaman yang banyak. Salah satu dampak negatif dalam penanaman kelapa sawit yaitu rusaknya ekosistem hutan yang dapat mengancam keberadaan flora, fauna, global warming, selain itu sifat tanaman kelapa yang membutuhkan banyak air membuat sumber air tanah di wilayah tersebut berkurang. Maka dari itu pemerintah hendaknya selalu melakukan evaluasi secara rutin terhadap penanaman kelapa sawit yang dilakukan dalam jumlah yang banyak agar memberikan keuntungan kepada semua lapisan masyarakat

Hamparan kebun kelapa sawit di Kalbar

Wonderful Borneo

Berawal dari perjalanan Yogyakarta-Pontianak kemudian dilanjutkan menuju Kabupaten Sanggau. Kami perkirakan perjalanan dari Ibukota provinsi menuju Kabupaten tidaklah jauh seperti halnya di Jawa, namun kenyataan berbeda. Ternyata jarak tersebut adalah 60 km, kemudian dari Sanggau menuju Kecamatan Entikong (lokasi KKN) berjarak 35 km.
Potretku saat di tepi sungai Kapuas Kalimantan Barat

Dussun Serangkang terbagi menjadi Serangkang Raya dan Serangkang Induk, terletak di Kecamatan Entikong Kabupaten Sanggau Provinsi Kalimantan Barat. Misi menjalankan bagian dari Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi dimulai saat tim KKN-PPM UGM KTB04 2015 menginjakkan kaki sore hari 17.00 WIB di dusun tersebut, dibantu aparat TNI-AD dan POLRI dengan sarana transportasi dan keamanannya. Rumah yang tersusun berderet-deret sepanjang pinggir jalan dusun membuat warga dengan mudah melihat kedatangan kami, tatapan muka penuh penasaran, harapan, itulah yang mungkin ada di benak meraka. Sesampainya di pondokan (SMP N 4 Satu Atap Entikong) kami disambut oleh kepala sekolah beliau adalah pak Suharna yang berasal dari Kabupaten Sleman Yogyakarta, sudah 18 tahun mengabdi mengajar di SMP tersebut dan dengan senang hati memberikan fasilitas perpustakaan sekolah sebagai pondokan. Malam hari pukul 19.00-21.00 WIB kedatangan kami disambut oleh warga dengan melakukan upacara penyambutan di rumah Bentang yang dipimpin oleh kepala dusun. Rumah bentang merupakan rumah adat suku dayak di Kalimantan Barat, rumah tersebut terbuat dari kayu yang disusun seperti panggung, berbentuk persegi panjang beratap kerucut.

Potret rumah bentang khas suku Dayak, ini baru halamannya mohon bersabar untuk foto rumahnya
Dusun Serangkang terletak di pegunungan dengan sumber mata air sungai Sekayam. Sungai ini memiliki aliran air yang deras, debit air sungai sangat dipengaruhi oleh kondisi iklim. Warga Dusun Serangkang yang bersifat homogen dengan mayoritas suku Dayak. Suku Dayak di tempat tersebut masih memperlakukan hukum adat demi menjaga kelestarian adat istiadat dan budaya. Terdapat beberapa hukum adat yang kami temui diantaranya adalah “cempalik” dan ”pelepas”. Cempalik merupakan salah satu hukum yang berlaku di masyarakat yang diperuntukan bagi pendatang sebagai penghormatan ketika menolak hidangan makanan dan minuman yang disediakan. Cempalik dilakukan dengan menempelkan jari telunjuk dan jari tengah ke hidangan kemudian menempelkan ke kulit tenggorokan. Sedangkan pelepas merupakan kebiasaan warga ketika berburu di hutan maupun sungai yang bertujuan untuk menghormati leluhur agar terhindar dari bahaya. Pelepas dilakukan dengan menempelkan kedua jari tersebut ke ujung lidah kemudian menempelkan ke kulit tenggorokan.
Sungai Sekayam dan penghuninya

Untuk bertahan hidup, warga Dusun Serangkang masih sangat bergantung dari keadaan alam dimulai dari berburu hingga bekerja diladang untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari. Sebagian besar warga bermata pencaharian sebagai petani, nelayan di sungai dan buruh lepas kelapa sawit. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari warga sangat bergantung pada produksi pertanian seperti padi, singkong, sayuran dan sahang (lada hitam). Penghasilan paling tinggi adalah lada hitam yang dipanen setiap sembilan bulan sekali dan dijual ke Malaysia seharga 100 ribu per kg. Terdapat perusahan kelapa sawit yaitu PT. Borneo Khatulistiwa Palma dengan luas lahan 7000 hektar dengan status kepemilikan bersama oleh warga negara Indonesia, Malaysia dan Singapura. Salah satu permasalahan adalah kurangnya kepedulian perusahaan terhadap para pekerja diantaranya K3, bagi hasil lahan.

Metode bercocok tanam yang mereka lakukan adalah sistem ladang berpindah. Dimana warga menanam dengan prinsip trial and error, tanaman yang tidak tumbuh akan ditinggalkan dan membuka lahan yang baru. Hal ini dapat Menjadi perhatian serius mengingat dengan pembukaan lahan terus menerus akan mengurangi luas hutan yang ada di pulau Kalimantan yang dapat mengurangi kadar oksigen di alam. Seandainya luas hutan di Indonesia berkurang dengan adanya pembukaan lahan secara terus-menerus tentunya akan menurunkan identitas negara sebagai kawasan hutan hujan tropis. Pemerintah seharusnya peduli akan peningkatan kualitas SDM, sehingga warga dapat memaksimalkan hasil pertanian tanpa terus membuka lahan baru.

Salam hangat penulis 2017