Monday 3 April 2017

Bulk Email Marketing-Not A Conventional Business

Like conventional businesses, internet business require a lot of marketing to be successful. However unlike conventional businesses, online ones require a different method of marketing, several in fact. While there are a lot of ways to market your website, the one this article will be talking about is bulk email marketing.

Email marketing is, as it sounds, you send emails to people to build up a relationship with them so they are more inclined to buy from your website. There are a lot of ways you can go about doing this but to help guide you along are some very helpful tips.

1. Figure out how to get a list together. The list of emails for which you will contact is the single most important part. So how you get those emails really does matter. A lot of people will buy lists of emails in bulk from various services, but I have found these to have mixed results. The emails provided can be good, but, it is pretty iffy for something you are spending money on.

Personally, I prefer to keep it simple and try to get them through my website. If you put areas on your site where they can sign up, maybe offer them a free sample, then you will know all the emails are for people who actually care about your product.

2. Be persistent. One of the key strategies to employ is bulk email marketing. However I will say it right away, do not spam. If you spam it not only turns them away, but could have bad consequences for you. Going in bulk is not the same as spamming. Send them emails consistently but if they tell you to stop, then stop. Be considerate of your customers, but also be firm in your approach.

3. Devise a schedule. When you send out your emails also plays a big part. Or more specifically, how often. A good rule of thumb is to start sending them an email every day, make sure each day it is unique and offers some new tidbit of information that could entice them. After about a week, drop that down to a few emails a week and then finally one email a week. This will show them that you care and are eager, but also do not want to spam them.

4. Use good subject lines. Most people do not even open emails, they look at the subject and if it does not interest them, they delete it. So when using bulk email marketing you need to ensure your subject titles catch their interest so they actually read it.

Some good ideas are to use capital letters as they can grab attention. Also .... can play a part, if you trail off at the end it can leave them expecting more and might pique their curiosity. Also try to throw in some personalization. Do not just make one email and send it to everyone, tweak them a little to be more in touch with the person themselves. A lot of software can help you do this.

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